

Our mission is to make sure all students thrive academically at Williams and beyond through opportunities and programs that work to eradicate racial and socio-economic disparities in higher education.

Pathways for Inclusive Excellence (PIE) administers the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF), the Allison Davis Research Fellowship (ADRF), the Public Humanities Fellowship, the Summer Science Program (SSP), and the Summer Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) programs. Additionally, we work with the C3 Undergraduate Fellowship, and other diversity initiatives at Williams or available to Williams students.

PIE is part of the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Together, this unit seeks to both transform the academy and strengthen the College’s commitment to inclusion by ensuring that diversity initiatives are advanced and celebrated.

**To Apply to MMUF/ADRF click link.  Applications are due by February 12, 2024**