Apply Today: Community Resilience Grant--Building Skills to Support Organizations

Community Resilience Grants: Building Skills to Support Organizations


The COVID-19 crisis has brought more attention to inequities within the United States and around the world, acting as a threat multiplier to pre-existing global problems. The climate crisis is another threat multiplier heightening ongoing challenges our communities are facing. How do communities respond in difficult times?  What challenges are being addressed through advocacy, organizing, individual action, businesses, cross-sector collaborations, legislation, education campaigns, etc. 

The Zilkha Center, Center for Learning in Action, and Davis Center are offering summer opportunities for students to gain skills for use in volunteering, academic fieldwork and to serve career goals, whether you intend to build your own initiative, work for community organizations, organize and mobilize for social change, or support a non-profit organization. 


Who is eligible?
Any current Williams College student regardless of citizenship status, including graduating seniors. No paperwork, no tax implications, etc. 
What does the grant offer?
Students will not be paid directly, but all fees associated with any opportunity offered by the program will be covered by the grant. This program may be combined with other summer work/internships/etc., but consider what is feasible for you based on other work you may have committed to over the summer.
What support will student grantees receive?
In addition to access to opportunities to build skills, grantees will connect three times throughout the summer to stay in touch and share what they’re learning with one another. There will also be three opportunities for students to connect with alumni on topics of interest to them (you will indicate your interests below!). 
Please submit your application by May 28, 2021.


Please reach out to Aseel Abulhab (aa9) with any questions!

CLICK HERE to access the google document outlining opportunities.


Please submit your application by May 28, 2021.

Please reach out to Aseel Abulhab (aa9) with any questions!