News & Events

Student Leaders and Student Change Makers: Join the 24-25 CEF Cohort!

Community Engagement Fellowship Applications for 2024-2025 now Open! The Davis Center is accepting applications for Community Engagement Fellows for the 2024-2025 academic year! We’re looking for student leaders committed to developing programs, initiatives, and resources that improve the needs of Williams’ diverse communities. If you’re interested in… Continue reading »

Dance the night away! Saturday 04-13-24 7:30-10pm

Great music in a great space: bring your great dance moves and enjoy the new Davis Center space! Sweet beverages and desserts will be provided by Maestries Munches–lots of doughnuts including a build-your-own-doughnut bar! All that’s missing is you!  Make plans to attend!  We would love to see you!… Continue reading »

MinCo Leader Retreat, Spring 2024: 02-25-24 11AM-3PM Griffin 3

The upcoming Minority Coalition Leadership Retreat will be this Sunday, February 25th, 2024 in Griffin 3 from 11 am to 3 pm with a break for lunch. Lunch will be provided from La Fogata. This semester's retreat will be led by the MinCo Steering Board and will address important topics ranging from the new funding structure, constitutional amendments, advocacy within the coalition, and more. Attendance is required for subgroups to maintain access to funding for the semester. One chair and one finance officer are expected to attend from each subgroup, but all board members are invited to attend. If a chair and/or finance officer cannot attend, your subgroup should notify the Steering Board and designate a representative of the group to attend. Fill out the provided registration form. All board members are invited and welcome. If you have any questions about the retreat, please direct them to the Minority Coalition Steering Board.

CANCELLED: will update the date ASAP The upcoming Minority Coalition Leadership Retreat will be this Sunday, February 25th, 2024 in Griffin 3 from 11 am to 3 pm with a break for lunch. Lunch will be provided from La Fogata. This semester’s retreat will be led by the MinCo Steering Board and will address important topics… Continue reading »

Archives for Liberation Series: December 5, 2023

Archives for Liberation 2023-2024 Presented by The Davis Center in collaboration with the Williams College Special Collections, “Archives for Liberation” is a year-long series that engages the relationship between the history of student activism on campus and our current moment. See below for our upcoming sessions, and stay… Continue reading »